Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • diet pills Archives – Gotta Tea

    Losing weight is one of the greatest hurdles an individual can overcome during their life. In today’s world, everywhere we look boasts an ‘easy solution’ or ‘fast’ way to our weight loss dreams. On the whole, these programs are hoaxes with little to no long-term benefits, designed to trick vulnerable people out of money. When…

  • How does Garcinia Cambogia Work? – Gotta Tea

    Supplements and diet fads come and go. Over the years, hundreds of diets have been promoted. Some claim you can consume whatever you desire and still lose weight. Others claim to hold back your appetite so that you do not eat much. Garcinia Cambogia for fat loss is the newest hot diet product in the…

  • yacon syrup Archives – Gotta Tea

    It has always been every one’s issue with regard to finding ways to lose weight. There are lots of products being offered to the public that promises total weight loss. We all know that these products really don’t work that much and much of their way to gain huge profit from everyone. But lately, everyone…

  • Weight Loss Suppelements – Gotta Tea

    Losing weight is one of the greatest hurdles an individual can overcome during their life. In today’s world, everywhere we look boasts an ‘easy solution’ or ‘fast’ way to our weight loss dreams. On the whole, these programs are hoaxes with little to no long-term benefits, designed to trick vulnerable people out of money. When…

  • June 2015 – Gotta Tea

    It has always been every one’s issue with regard to finding ways to lose weight. There are lots of products being offered to the public that promises total weight loss. We all know that these products really don’t work that much and much of their way to gain huge profit from everyone. But lately, everyone…

  • Gotta Tea – Page 2 of 3 – The healing properties of Tea

    Oolong (simplified Chinese: иТ; traditional Chinese: иж pinyin: wulong) is a traditional Chinese tea (Camellia sinensis) somewhere between green and black in oxidation. It ranges from 10% to 70% oxidation, it is among the most popular types of teas served in typical Chinese restaurants. In Chinese tea culture, semi-oxidised oolong teas are collectively grouped as…

  • Tea Archives – Gotta Tea

    At the end of the 19th century some significant changes were taking place in tea drinking habits. In England there was a dramatic shift from buying tea of Chinese origin to buying tea from British owned plantations in India, Ceylon and Africa. This also led to an increase in tea drinking at the source, in…

  • History of Tea Cultivation and Processing – Gotta Tea

    Tea is an evergreen plant, camellia sinensis, that grows wild in tropical climates and is indigenous to both China and India. It needs heavy rainfall of at least 100cm per year but deep, light, acidic, well drained soil. Providing these conditions are met it can grow up to 2100ft above sea level. Although there is…

  • Herbal Tea – Gotta Tea

    Herbal infusions, often called tisanes or herbal teas, despite the fact that they do not have any actual leaves from the tea bush (Camellia sinensis), are caffeine free alternatives to tea or coffee for a hot drink. Rooibos and Mate are two examples of tisanes but herbal infusions can also cover a wide range of…

  • How to Make Tea – Gotta Tea

    All tea is produced from a plant called Camellia sinensis. The thousands of different varieties of teas available in the world only vary by the region it was grown, the time of year picked, and the processing method. Our premium teas come from all over the world and many of our Chinese and Japanese teas…

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