5 benefits of drinking black tea in winter – which 5 categories of people suitable for drinking more black tea?

5 benefits of drinking Chinese black tea in winter – which 5 categories of people suitable for drinking more black tea?


Original title: winter drink China black tea helps warm stomach recommended five types of people drink black tea
Winter weather is cold, the stomach and intestines are often prone to problems, this time to drink black tea is the best. What are the nutritional benefits of black tea, and what are the precautions when drinking? Come together to understand it.

The benefits of drinking black tea in winter

Black tea is one of the six major types of tea in China, belongs to the post-fermentation tea, is China’s unique tea, many people know the ripe Puerh tea is a kind of black tea.


Winter is cold, suitable for drinking warm tea, black tea is one of them.

  1. Warms the stomach

Winter is the coldest season of the year, the human body’s physiological functions by the cold and decline, resulting in a decline in the body’s resistance. Black tea belongs to the post-fermentation tea, the caffeine that stimulates the stomach has been reduced in the fermentation process, and will not form a stimulus to the stomach and intestines. In addition, black tea is also rich in theaflavin and other warm substances, and therefore drink black tea has a good warming effect on the stomach, can help the body against the cold, enhance immunity.

2, regulating the stomach

Compared with other seasons, winter is a period of less exercise and increased meat consumption, drinking black tea can promote digestion, decomposition of meat food and fat, adjust the body’s sugar, fat and water metabolism, and have a very significant role in regulating the stomach.

3、Cleansing the stomach and intestines

People in the winter not only appetite, will also be stored in the body, extremely easy to get fat. For people who like to eat meat and fish, drink more black tea, not only can eliminate grease, clean up the stomach, but also conducive to lowering lipids, protect blood vessels, and at the same time better able to prevent obesity.

4, beauty

For girls, winter is easy to cold hands and feet, cold, often drink black tea can improve the body’s metabolism, play the role of blood, warm body. At the same time, black tea contains theaflavin, theanine and tea polysaccharides, especially rich in complex flavonoids, has a strong activity, can remove excess free radicals in the body, slow down cellular aging, play a beauty effect.

5, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar

Theanine in black tea can play a role in inhibiting the rise in blood pressure; alkaloids and flavonoids can make the blood vessel wall relaxation, increase the effective diameter of blood vessels, through the vasodilatation of blood vessels and make blood pressure drop; theaflavin can soften blood vessels, effectively remove atherosclerotic substances within the blood vessel wall, known as cardiovascular “scavenger”. The unique tea polysaccharide in Anhua black tea has insulin-like effect, which can reduce the blood sugar content in human body.


Tea polyphenols and their oxidation products in black tea can dissolve fat and promote the discharge of lipids, thus reducing blood cholesterol, thereby reducing the deposition of fat on the walls of arterial tubes and lowering the incidence of atherosclerosis; it can also activate the protein kinase enzyme, accelerate lipolysis and reduce the fat content in the body.

Five categories of people suitable for drinking black tea

1、People who have long-term banquet and entertainment

The diuretic function of caffeine in black tea is realized through the kidney to promote the filtration rate of water in urine. At the same time, caffeine stimulation of the bladder can assist in diuresis, but also help to wake up and release alcohol.

2, aged elders three high people

Black tea in lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure effect, especially suitable for three high elders to drink.

3、Working fatigue office workers

Drinking black tea can dispel fatigue, clear thinking and eyesight, relieve cough and asthma and promote human metabolism, enhance physical fitness.

4, excessive body fat obese people

Cellulose and other macromolecules in the tea are degraded by the enzymes secreted by the golden flower bacteria, generating some low molecular edible oligosaccharides, which are dietary fibers for weight loss and elimination of fat, intestinal cleansing, and stimulating the growth and reproduction of beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Black tea weight loss function is more prominent here.

5、Frequent constipation crowd

Inositol, folic acid, methionine and other compounds in the tea broth have the function of regulating fat metabolism, and the aromatic substances in tea can dissolve fat and help digest meat food.


Drinking black tea a few precautions

1, avoid drinking tea after meals. Tea contains a large amount of tannic acid, tannic acid can react with the iron in the food, generating new substances that are difficult to dissolve, a long time to cause iron deficiency in the human body, and even induced anemia. Therefore, the correct time to drink is: one hour after meals.

2, avoid drinking tea with fever. Tea contains theophylline, has the effect of elevating body temperature, fever patients drink tea is tantamount to “pouring oil on the fire”.

3, ulcer patients avoid drinking tea. Tea caffeine can promote gastric acid secretion, increase the concentration of gastric acid, induced ulcers and even perforation.

4, avoid drinking tea during menstruation. Drinking tea during menstruation, especially strong tea, can induce or aggravate menstrual syndrome.


5, avoid drinking new tea. New tea storage time is short, containing more unoxidized polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols and other substances, the human gastrointestinal mucosa has a strong stimulating effect, easy to induce gastric disease. Therefore, the black tea type of new tea should drink less, less than half a month of storage of new tea should avoid drinking.

6, avoid drinking the first tea. Tea in the cultivation and processing process has been contaminated by pesticides and other harmful substances, there is always a certain residue on the surface of the tea. Therefore, the first tea has a washing effect should be discarded not to drink.

7, avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach tea on an empty stomach can dilute gastric juices, reduce digestive function. At the same time, the water absorption rate is high, can make the tea in the undesirable components of a large number of blood, thus triggering dizziness, panic, weakness and other symptoms.

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