4 Benefits and Precautions of Drinking Chinese Black Tea for Middle-Aged People

4 Benefits and Precautions of Drinking Chinese Black Tea for Middle-Aged People


When you reach middle age, your body organs begin to age, and you need to take care of them with care in order to ensure a healthy body and prolong your life. Black tea, is nature’s gift to mankind’s excellent holy drink, with heat, summer, detoxification, digestion, fat, water, laxative, cough and fluids, prolong life and other effects. Now will be a variety of ingredients in the black tea and the benefits of middle-aged people described, we also need to pay attention to some of the precautions for drinking black tea, drink the right more health.

Middle-aged people drink Chinese black tea 4 major benefits

1, help eliminate food and greasy, clean up the intestinal tract

Black tea can quickly eliminate summer heat and dissipate heat, digestion and greasiness, clean up the intestinal tract, the summer people have a heavy burden on the stomach and intestines, constipation. Drinking black tea is very beneficial to keep the stomach and intestines open. Black tea is known as “the body of the scavenger” it!

2, help diuretic detoxification

Black tea in the caffeine on the human bladder has a stimulating effect, diuretic, and can wake up, relieve alcohol poisoning. Tea polyphenols in black tea can remove the free radicals in cigarette smoke, reduce the toxicity of smoke on the human body, while tea polyphenols have a strong adsorption effect, so drink more tea can alleviate the toxic effects of heavy metals Oh!


3, help lower blood pressure and blood sugar

Because black tea has tea polysaccharide with insulin-like substances, can reduce the body’s blood sugar content; polyphenols and their oxidation products can dissolve fat, promote the discharge of lipids in the blood vessels, reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood, so people with high blood glucose can drink black tea moderately!

4、Help to lower fat and digestive

Caffeine, vitamins, amino acids, phospholipids, etc. in black tea help the human body to digest, and inhibit the increase of abdominal fat has a significant effect. Tea is rich in vitamin B1, is able to fully burn fat and convert it into heat energy necessary substances, thus playing a role in preventing the accumulation of fat.


Middle-aged people drink black tea notes have five points

A taboo, drinking tea on an empty stomach

Tea into the lungs, cold spleen and stomach, equal to “lead the wolf into the house”, our country since ancient times, “do not drink empty heart tea” said.

Second taboo, drinking hot tea

Too hot tea on the human throat, esophagus and stomach stimulation is strong. If you drink too hot tea for a long time, may cause lesions of these organs. According to foreign research shows that often drink tea at a temperature of more than 62 degrees Celsius, the stomach lining is more likely to be damaged, prone to gastric disorders, drinking tea at a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius or less.

Three taboos, drinking cold tea

Warm tea, hot tea can make people feel refreshed, bright eyes and ears; cold tea on the body has stagnant cold, phlegm side effects.


Four taboos, strong tea

Strong tea contains caffeine, theophylline, stimulate strong, easy to cause headache, insomnia.

Five taboos, brewing time is too long

Brewing time is too long, tea in the tea polyphenols, lipids, aromatic substances can be automatically oxidized, not only the tea color dark, poor taste, aroma low, lose the value of tasting; and due to the tea in the vitamin C, vitamin P, amino acids, etc. due to oxidation and reduce the nutritional value of tea greatly reduced; at the same time due to the tea soup shelved time is too long, by the pollution of the surrounding environment, the tea soup in the microbial (bacteria and fungi) number of More, very unhygienic.

Six taboos, brewing too many times

General tea in the brewing 3-4 times after basically no tea juice. According to relevant experiments, the first open tea can contain 50% of the total amount of water leachate, two open tea containing 30% of the total amount of water leachate, three open tea is 10%, four open tea is only 1-3%, and then many times brewing will make the tea in some harmful ingredients are also leached, because the tea in the trace of harmful elements are often in the last bubble out.

Seven taboos, drinking tea before meals

Drinking tea before meals will dilute saliva, make the diet tasteless, but also temporarily make the digestive organs to absorb the function of protein decline.


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